Monday, 25 August 2014

Clean Environmental Practices


The preservation of the world around us, is something that everyone must take notice to. Taking care of the environment is a big responsibility.

To propagate clean environment practice, our main focus should be on reducing energy and water consumption and waste generation, so that it can reduce our footprint on the planet. We can start with simple things like using LEDs at home. They are a bit more expensive than incandescent light bulbs, but they save up to 20 to 25 percent on electricity bill.
Another way to save energy is by always shutting down and unplugging idle electronics. Even when our computer is on sleep mode, if there's a light on, it's still using energy. We should always turn off and unplug our computer, printer, television, — any electronic device that we are not using.
NEVER drink bottled water. Sure, water is good for us, but the process of harvesting the raw materials, processing and manufacturing the petroleum-based plastic water bottles and shipping them to market is extremely energy intensive. Therefore we should always filter our own water and fill up reusable bottles for water on-the-go.
Another big step towards clean environmental practices is to minimize the use of plastic and paper products, and investment in reusable cloth bags and stainless steel containers at home. Thousands of trees are torn down each year to make the containers for fast food items, the paper bags and paper cups that we use every day. By using these reusable containers we can save trees from being torn down for useless items.
Recycle, Reduce, Reuse. We all have to familiarize our self with the three R’s. Disposing of garbage and waste maintains the sanitary and beauty of our surrounding environment. By recycling and looking for alternatives to the trash we can keep the Earth clean and free of debris that essentially leaks very harmful chemicals into the environment.